Society has failed sexual assault survivors

By Leanna Westerhof

In light of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein being accused of sexual assault by various women over a span ranging from the 1980s to present day, it has become apparent to me that society has failed the victims of sexual assault across the world. How many people knew of Weinstein’s acts and failed to stop it? How many women were afraid to speak out? Too many is the answer.

Society has allowed people in positions of power and privilege to not be held accountable for their actions. Instead, the solution is to throw money at the victims as compensation, bind their mouths legally and explain that men cannot stop themselves sometimes. Despite the many payouts Weinstein made over the years, it never served to stop him from acting that way with other women.

Additionally, the “victim blaming” we do needs to stop, as evidenced by the number of people who have used the hashtag #MeToo to tell their own stories of sexual assault. This is an epidemic, an issue that has deep claws in the psyche of society. For too long we have ignored the seriousness of sexual assault and blamed the victims for “acting a certain way” or “dressing a certain way.”

When will we start placing the blame where it belongs? For too long we have pushed these victims into the shadows, too shameful to acknowledge their pain. Too long have we said, “It is just the way he is.” We still have a long way to go, but I am hopeful — cautiously hopeful.

Leanna is a senior in Social Work.

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