Letter to the Editor: Self-care is important during finals season

By Grace Kim

The end of the semester is approaching soon, and it is that time where seemingly every professor is assigning projects, papers and examinations synchronously. Studying late into the night, getting minimal hours of sleep or pulling all-nighters are to be expected over these next few weeks, if not over the course of the entire semester.

The stressors of time and academic pressure begin to weigh heavily on us. It is inevitably important to do well in school, but it is also important to take good care of yourself. Stress among students can negatively impact academic performance and personal well-being. If the stress is not well managed, it can affect your relations in and out of the academic environment.

This is why I believe the practice of self-care is essential to student life and should be exercised before entering the workforce. You are never too busy to take care of yourself. Self-care essentially refers to activities and practices that we can engage in on a regular basis to maintain and improve the quality of your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.

This could look vastly different from person to person. One’s self-care practice could be a physical activity, journaling, reading, meditating, volunteering, spending time with supportive, loving people or disconnecting from social media. My list is not comprehensive of all self-care activities, but it gives you an idea to form your own practice.

Aside from feeling better, this practice of self-care will help you to be more productive, prevent burnout, increase positive thinking and increase awareness of your own body. Additionally, when you take care of yourself, you treat others better. Work hard but remember, although your grades are important, your health and well-being come first.

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Grace is studying for her Masters in Social Work. 

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