Letter to the Editor | Familiarize yourself with candidates so you can vote

By Tayler Jones

With primaries coming up in March and official voting in November of this year, I keep hearing, “I do not know anything about politics” and “I do not care about who wins.”

As a senior at the University, I have heard these statements numerous times, and I bet you have heard or spoken one of them yourself. Many people do not know much about politics; I used to be one of those people.

While I still do not know everything, I know who I do and do not want running this amazing country. You do not have to be a political guru to vote — you just have to know which candidates best fit your opinions.

Everyone has an opinion. Why not let yours be heard? Since there are so many candidates up for election, it can be overwhelming when choosing who to vote for. The Champaign County Voters Alliance created a Candidate Guide with information about the candidates running for office that affect Champaign County.

Check out the Candidate Guide at VoteChampaign.org, and it will hopefully provide you with enough information to decide which candidates you feel are the best ones.

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Your vote is your voice. Let your voice be heard.

Tayler is a senior in LAS.

[email protected]