I stand with Professor Jay Rosenstein

By Maria Pavlou

I am writing in regards to the recent events surrounding Professor Jay Rosenstein.  I was Professor Jay’s student my junior year of college, and in all honesty, his class was my favorite. Professor Jay is one of the most intelligent, caring and funny teachers I have had. He made sure to teach us to question and to think about everything we face and not to simply accept things as they are.

His achievements alone in the Native American community show his caring nature and that he won’t tolerate oppression. His attempt to better different groups both on campus and around the country (i.e. opposing Native American mascots) has been met with opposition from people who don’t even fit in those groups.

It’s infuriating that everyone in this nation would scream if a priest or rabbi was used as a mascot, but when it comes to a Native American Chief, people don’t care. News that arises questioning Professor Jay’s ability to teach is simply slander and wrong. His students are evidence of his great ability as a teacher. His class taught me to THINK — something many courses suppress.

The opposition to Professor Jay stems from people not wanting a teacher who makes students criticize the systems in place because when we do that, the school boards get annoyed, governments get inconvenienced and powerful people get shaken. I stand with Professor Jay.

Maria graduated with a degree from Media in 2017. 

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