Letter to the Editor | The Democratic Party is going in the wrong direction

By Stewart B. Epstein

I believe that I speak for many Democrats when I tell you I don’t like some of the directions the National Democratic Party is taking.

I would like the Party to be more like it was in the 1960s, when it focused primarily on the bread-and-butter and kitchen-table issues that affect about 90 percent of Americans, all except for the wealthiest 10 percent.  I want the Party to stand for enhancing the social safety-net programs such as Social Security, as well as advocating for other social programs including a Canadian-style national health insurance program.

I believe that the Party focuses too much on fighting against President Trump and the Republicans on the “identity-politics” and “cultural-war” issues. While these issues are important, I worry a lot more, for example, about people who have lived good and responsible lives but who can’t afford to pay for and take their prescription medications they need to stay in decent health, and often need just to stay alive.

I would also like to see the Party have the courage to advocate for the passage of a “National Wealth Tax” of 15 percent on all individuals with a net worth of $10 million and higher. This would allow us to be able to pay for this new social spending, as well as to advocate for eliminating the $100 billion per year that is spent on “corporate welfare” and “business subsidies,” which, in turn, will also help us to pay for this social spending. It is important that we become fiscally responsible, and not increase the national debt or the federal budget deficit.

Stewart B. Epstein is a retired professor.

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