Explore campus for memories

Mark Capapas

The entrance of the Main Library on Wright Street on Jan. 27, 2019.

By Noah Nelson, Columnist

If you ever feel locked up in your dorm room or are at one of the old, wooden desks at Grainger Engineering Library studying to no end, stop right there. That long essay can wait. You won’t hurt a presentation’s feelings if you leave it alone for a while. And that upcoming exam, well, forget about it. Give your brain a rest from its continuous stress for a short time.

When not thinking about school, which rarely occurs to most students here at the University, you should take your mind on a small vacation. You don’t even have to go far; it can start right here.

Campus and the surrounding town offer endless possibilities of activities for students to do in their free time. You just have to find the one that suits your interests. 

If you haven’t already done so, sign yourself up for a RSO. There are hundreds of options like skydiving, baking, real-life Quidditch and even squirrel watching. Wherever your tastes may reside, you will more than likely find something to your liking. 

Join Illini Pride and become a part of one of the largest fan clubs in college sports. You don’t have to be into sports to join. Grab some friends, and go cheer on your fellow Illini athletes to victory at the next game. Don’t forget to say, “Oskee Wow Wow!”

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The best part about joining groups like these is they will open you up to new opportunities you never knew existed. You might even find yourself a new hobby, and if nothing else, you will certainly meet people on campus who share a common interest with you. Who knows? They might become friends for life. 

Explore all of the buildings and other attractions around Campustown. Take part in a Japanese tea ceremony at the Japan House. Visit a building you have never stepped foot in before to see what’s hiding behind its doors. Wander through the Main Stacks and lose yourself in millions of books. No matter where it is, there’s always an attraction on campus that will make your time here at the University even more memorable. 

College doesn’t last forever. Don’t let great experiences pass by as you cram for the next exam. 

Academics are important no doubt, but creating a balance between fun and your studies will make your college years more enjoyable. You don’t want to look back in 20 years and remember all of the exams you took in school. You want to remember all of the fun things you did, the places you explored and the friends you made at one of the best universities in the country.

So get out there and explore the wonderful world that is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. You won’t regret it.

Noah is a sophomore in LAS.
