Letter to the Editor | Anti-Semitic training shows University willingly duped
October 19, 2019
Though what gets the most news is the painting of swastikas around campus, much more troublesome is the University “training” its resident advisor’s that Israel is a “terrorist state.”
After all, what a few malcontents spray in the dark of night should not generate a big response, as that is what they want. As my grandmother used to say, “If you argue with a fool, that makes two.”
But the University’s training of student leaders is troubling. The story only broke because some anti-Semitic comments were made during the training. But the problem was not the one or two anti-Semitic lines; it was the training itself. “Training” University student leaders that Israel is a “terrorist state” is equal parts telling and terrible.
What’s next? Training leaders about the merits of white nationalism because some may believe in it? And doing so with skewed facts by someone with a clear political agenda?
Let’s make this simple: Just because someone calls themselves a “multicultural advocate” does not make them so. The University was duped, likely willingly so.
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William is an alumnus of the class of 1990.