Trump won respect that Clinton deserved
Students protest President -elect Trump’s appointment to office at the Alma Matter on Friday, November 11.
November 14, 2016
As Clinton held back tears while conceding the presidential nomination to Donald Trump on Wednesday, millions of hearts broke for the glass ceiling which remained intact.
This election revealed many concerns about our nation, one of which being the double standard that society still holds for women. Clinton remained calm, poised and collected throughout, while Trump instilled anger in his supporters. Trump’s racist and sexist remarks were praised as “telling it like it is.” Clinton was called a “devilbitch.”
Clinton was undoubtedly well-behaved during this election, at least while standing behind a podium and being called a “nasty woman.” Her opponent? Not so much.
Trump publicly mocked a disabled person, Ted Cruz’s wife and Rosie O’Donnell. He consistently interrupted Clinton throughout all three debates — a situation plenty of women are all too familiar with. He admitted to making sexually violent comments about women. He called Mexicans rapists, and the Ku Klux Klan was thrilled.
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Trump’s supporters made excuses for him, but wouldn’t let Clinton off the hook. As they’ll tell you, they care more about what Hillary did than what Trump said. They excused the way he bragged about sexual assault, but wanted Clinton in prison for using a private email server.
The double standard couldn’t be more obvious. Clinton actively tried to be polite and collected during debates while Trump exhibited no restraint. Clinton’s face told it all while Trump interrupted and berated her: A woman has to work twice as hard to earn the respect that is naturally given to a man.
If this election taught me anything, it’s that trying to earn respect from certain people is a waste of time. Clinton, an accomplished lawyer, senator and secretary of state had her abilities constantly questioned. Trump was praised because he puts his name on tall buildings.
The notion that respect is earned means nothing when it only applies to one group of people. If that is the standard we must live by, then Trump has done nothing to actually earn respect. He gets it only because he is a rich man, so he can do whatever he wants without compromising his dignity.
When you’re a woman, respect has to be demanded. We had to demand the right to vote, something that men naturally received. We have to demand autonomy over our bodies, whether it be challenging a sexually violent climate or the politicians who stake a claim to our reproductive organs.
Perhaps Clinton’s downfall was assuming the nation was ready for a female president; that she had already earned the nation’s respect. Maybe it’s not that we’re not ready for a female president — we just don’t want one.
Trump’s triumphs were Clinton’s failures. “Telling it like it is” was okay coming from Trump, but unwelcome from Clinton, a figure expected to be gracious and well-behaved. People thought Clinton seemed unlikable, unapproachable and lacking stamina. Yet voters praised Trump for his crude, brutish and unrefined lack of eloquence.
Clinton’s concession speech provided guidance for an uncertain future. When a man who is infamous for bragging about sexual assault and calling women fat pigs is elected president, it’s reasonable to worry about the girls who will have to grapple with such a harsh reality.
“To all the little girls watching,” Clinton addressed, “never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world.”
Isabella is a sophomore in ACES.