Best late night study munchies

By Jason Chun

One of the biggest adjustments you will likely make in college is the amount of time you spend studying and doing homework. In high school, you may have been like me and gotten away with reviewing your notes during lunch for the exam you had the very next period. Trust me though; college is a whole different animal. You will find yourself spending countless nights tucked away in either in your dorm room or the library, feverishly cramming as much information as you can about Kepler’s Law and blackbody radiation in preparation for that 8 a.m. astronomy test you have tomorrow morning. No matter how much you say you’re going to stay ahead of the curve and start studying weeks in advance for a test, like your professors said you should, you’re not. Things will start to pile up and you’ll end up opening your study guide for the first time at 7 p.m. the night before your exam, wondering where all that extra time went.

However, there’s more to pulling an all-nighter than simply throwing back energy drinks and slaving away at your notes. At one point or another, you’re going to get hungry. With most dining halls having closed by 8 p.m., students must turn to alternative sources. Lucky for us, Champaign has an array of restaurants and food spots that stay open into the early hours of the morning. Here are some of the best options for when you need a quick bite to eat during your study break.

Jimmy John’s

When you’re looking for something quick and filling, Jimmy John’s is your best option. It has become the go-to option for many students during their late night study sessions. With an array of different sandwiches to choose from, you can’t really go wrong with any of them.

Jimmy John’s biggest selling point is its ability live up to its slogan – “Freaky Fast Delivery”. With six different locations around campus in Champaign-Urbana, there’s bound to be a Jimmy John’s delivery car just down the street from you. I can personally attest to their speedy delivery; I once ordered Jimmy John’s and timed how long it took them to get to my doorstep. The final time? Two and a half minutes. Flat. There’s nowhere else that will get you your food that fast. Most locations on campus also deliver until about three to four in the morning, so the next time you’re pulling an all-nighter at the UGL and feel a rumbling in your tummy, give Jimmy John’s a call. Just make sure not to get caught eating it by the UGL food police.

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Insomnia Cookies

We’ve all been there. It’s about two in the morning and you’re only two pages deep into your 10-page paper due at 10 a.m. As much as you try to crank out eight more pages on the ramifications of contemporary religious practices on political behavior at the state level, you just can’t ignore your craving for something sweet. Something chocolatey.

Whether you just want a couple cookies to satisfy your sweet tooth or a whole box after accepting the fact that you are never going to finish your paper on time, Insomnia Cookies is there for you. From the classic snicker doodle to the gluttonous double chocolate chunk, there’s something for every kind of sweets lover. It’s the perfect place to get your sugar fix while you slug through papers and notes alike.


Everyone has his or her favorite Chinese take-out place. It’s usually pretty cheap and has a questionable health grade, but, despite all that, we go back time and time again. Chopstix is that spot in Champaign.

Sure it may have been closed down numerous times for failing health inspections, and the people may seem like they are screaming in your face when you order, but the food can’t be beat. It’s the greasy, MSG-laden Chinese food we’ve grown to love as broke college students. It comes in the cliché white paper take out boxes that are stuffed so full with food that you are sure to have enough leftover for three more meals. They also have the best crab rangoons in the area. If you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, look no further than Chopstix.

Jason is a junior in Media. He can be reached at [email protected]