Breaking down clubs on campus

By Camille Baer, Feature's editor

So let’s talk about Quad Day. It’s a chaotic hodgepodge of University students all in the same space, fighting for a chance to find where they belong. With over 1,600 RSOs, things are bound to get a bit hectic. But don’t feel like you’re in over your head — with a little planning and information you’ll feel like a Quad Day navigational expert.

It may seem like a lot to take in, but there’s no pressure to join clubs or Registered Student Organizations from each category. As a new student, it’s hard to tell exactly where you belong. Whether you’re a freshman or not, making decisions is difficult, especially when you’re not sure what’s best for you. So, where to start?

Don’t stress. Deep breathes. We’ll get through this together.

A great way to begin your search is to start with your interests, either academic or personal. It makes it much easier to break down what you might be looking for in an RSO. Let’s say, for example, that I love music and really want to do something music-related. Student groups like Electronic Music Club, Folk and Roots Club, Illini Student Musicals, No Strings Attached (a coed a cappella group) and so many more serve as a way to bring students together with similar interests.

Perhaps sports are more your speed. You’ve certainly got options, with over 135 athletic, recreational and club sport RSOs available on campus. Want to try out some more unique athletic opportunities? Look for Archery Club, Climbing Club at UIUC, Fencing Illini, Illini Bass Fishing Club, Illini Billiards Club, Illini Boxing Club, Illini Pole Fitness and so many more.

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Political Science extraordinaire? There’s a club for every political party, for minority students, and for students who are looking to ignite positive change in others and create an open forum for students to speak freely amongst each other. Clubs like, I-Cause, Political Science Club and Young Americans for Liberty are available to try.

If you’re seeking to embrace your quirkier side, we’ve got you covered. For starters, Outdoor Adventure Club allows college students to engage in University activities to gain ranks amongst others in the club. Bee Keeping Club at UIUC brings students together who share a love for bees and who want to care for and work with bees at the Sustainable Student Farm. Also, there’s a Social Gaming Club — need I say any more?

Humans vs Zombies is an interesting take on the game tag, however, this one lasts an entire week. Most of the club starts off as humans, with a few original zombies, and the rest is history, so-to-speak. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, Illini Ridgebacks Quidditch team may be more your speed, a coed club that holds scrimmages and participates in Quidditch tournaments.

If you’re looking for a more professional environment, there are clubs that bring students from the same major or interest together to discuss important issues and challenge each other to succeed. From engineering to business, math to advertising, journalism to pre-med, there’s an opportunity for anyone to find a group of like-minded students.

Take advantage of the prolific amount of cultural and ethnic organizations on campus, whether you’re seeking out students with a similar background as yourself, or you may just want to learn about a different perspective on campus. All of the above are options offered at the University. With almost 100 different culturally unique clubs, there’s bound to be one that intrigues you.

Learn more about your heritage, facilitate change within your community or engage in activities such as Bhakti Yoga Club, Capoeira Club at UIUC, Dheem, Men of Impact and plenty more if you’re interested.

As you can see, the list of organizations available on campus doesn’t end there. Each student has the opportunity to find their place on campus, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. (Cheesy, but true).

Camille is a junior in Media.