Presidential candidates, graduated income tax appear on 2020 ballot
Photo Courtesy of Jose M. Osorio/Chicago Tribune
Willie Wilson departs a news conference at the Thompson Center in Chicago on May 12. Wilson is running as an independent under the Willie Wilson Party.
October 29, 2020
Who’s on the ballot? Here is a brief overview of what voters registered in Champaign-Urbana will see on their ballot.
Illinois Allow for Graduated Income Tax Amendment (Illinois Fair Tax)
The Illinois Allow for Graduated Income Tax Amendment would repeal the state’s constitutional requirement that the state’s personal income tax is a flat rate across all incomes. This ballot measure would pave the way for a graduated income tax, which means there would be different income tax rates applied to different levels of income.
All financial figures are from the Federal Election Commission’s website.
President of the United States
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Donald Trump (Incumbent)
Republican Party
Mike Pence (Running mate)
Quick Facts:
Total Campaign Receipts: $533,843,893.29
Total Campaign Disbursements: $509,522,429.75
Joe Biden
Democratic Party
Kamala D. Harris (Running mate)
Quick Facts:
Total Campaign Receipts: $952,239,369.70
Total Campaign Disbursements: $790,193,382.80
Brian T. Carroll
American Solidarity Party
Amar Patel (Running mate)
Quick Fact:
Carroll’s three priorities if elected would be “climate protection, health care for all and protection of life from conception to natural death” according to his Ballotpedia candidate survey.
Howie Hawkins
Green Party
Angela Nicole Walker (Running mate)
Quick Facts:
Total Campaign Receipts: $463,084.18
Total Campaign Disbursements: $441,536.69
Jo Jorgensen
Libertarian Party
Spike Cohen (Running mate)
Quick Facts:
Total Campaign Receipts: $2,944,056.70
Total Campaign Disbursements: $2,771,493.21
Gloria La Riva
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Leonard Peltier (Running mate)
Quick Facts:
Total Campaign Receipts: $27,720.48
Total Campaign Disbursements: $26,941.26
U.S. Senate Illinois
Dick Durbin (Incumbent)
Democratic Party
Quick Fact:
U.S. senator of Illinois since 1997
Mark Curran
Republican Party
Quick Fact:
Curran’s stance on abortion, “I am proud to be pro-life—a conviction that is rooted in my Catholic faith.” According to his response to Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection.
David Black
Green Party
Quick Fact:
Black spent 37 years practicing law in Northern Illinois representing autoworkers in their everyday legal needs according to his website.
Danny Malouf
Libertarian Party
Quick Fact:
Malouf is a 32-year-old human resources manager and volunteer youth wrestling coach.
Willie Wilson
Willie Wilson Party
Quick Fact:
Wilson was a candidate for mayor of Chicago in 2019 but lost.
U.S. House Illinois District 13
Rodney Davis (Incumbent)

Republican Party
Quick Fact:
Total Receipts: $4,473,746.80
Total Disbursements: $3,261,102.56
Betsy Londrigan
Democratic Party
Total Receipts: $4,657,202.83
Total Disbursements: $4,161,641.32
Illinois State Senate District 52
Scott M. Bennett (Incumbent)
Democratic Party
Quick Facts:
Bennett has been a member of the Illinois State Senate since 2015 and is the chair of the Illinois State Senate’s Agriculture Committee.
Alexander Ruggieri
Republican Party
Quick Fact:
Ruggieri says he’s against the proposed graduated state income tax according to Illinois Newsroom.
Illinois House of Representatives District 103
Carol Ammons (Incumbent)
Democratic Party
Quick Facts:
State Rep. Carol Ammons assumed office in 2015 and was appointed to the Supreme Court Commission on Pretrial Practices Final Report Implementation Task Force on July 15, 2020.
Brad Bielert
Libertarian Party
Quick Fact:
Bielert was born and raised in Champaign and opened a mechanics business out of his home, according to his website.
JJ is a junior Media.