Zook wraps up Meet ‘n’ Greet tour in Bloomington

Ron Zook signs an Illini football poster for a fan at the Bloomington Country Club on Thursday, May 24, 2007. Steve Contorno

Ron Zook signs an Illini football poster for a fan at the Bloomington Country Club on Thursday, May 24, 2007. Steve Contorno

By Courtney Linehan

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Football coach Ron Zook and three other Illini coaches met with several hundred fans at the Bloomington Country Club on Thursday for the final stop on the 2007 Fighting Illini Meet ‘n’ Greet tour.

Women’s gymnastics coach Bob Starkell, softball coach Terri Sullivan and assistant men’s basketball coach Jay Price joined Zook in the final stop of the inaugural trip to towns around the state. Zook and a rotating contingent of other Illini coaches visited seven Illinois cities, starting with a trip to U.S. Cellular Field on May 10.

“It went great,” Zook said of the Chicago stop. “It was in the middle of recruiting, we were going hard and heavy there, but we got out there. We have great fans, they want to know what’s going on, and if you take it to them they know what’s going on.”

Zook signed autographs and the other coaches mingled with fans before each took the podium to address the crowd about their teams and answer questions from the audience.

“I think it’s great for us to get out and get to talk to people in different cities, drum up support for Illinois athletics,” Price said. “It’s a great positive experience for us and for the fans to get out and meet people.”

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Much of the presentation focused on the Memorial Stadium renovations and looking forward to the fall football season. Zook said Illinois’ 2-10 record in 2006 made it even more important to remain accountable to the fans who support Illinois through winning and losing seasons.

“We owe it to them to take the program to them,” Zook said. “Fans, sometimes when they’re able to ask questions, maybe understand why you’re doing a particular thing, maybe it’s easier to accept.”

Zook said he’s enjoyed the experience, but after four consecutive days meeting fans in Peoria, Decatur, Danville and Bloomington, he had one thing at the top of his agenda.

“I just want to sit in my boat and catch my breath,” Zook said.