Weber, Guenther condemn fan behavior

By Jeff LaBelle

The Illinois Sports Information Department released a statement Friday regarding fan behavior at Thursday night’s nationally televised slugout with Indiana.

During warm-ups, fans chanted “liar,” “traitor” and “sellout”, words meant for Indiana freshman guard Eric Gordon. Gordon, who was clearly rattled in the first half, originally committed to play for Illinois before changing his mind-the source of the conflict.

The chant’s became obscene once the game started, as factions of fans shouted “f*** you, Gordon” and “a**hole.”

The statement is addressed from Illinois Director of Athletics Ron Guenther and coach Bruce Weber.

According to some reports, fans were also throwing objects at a section of Indiana fans that included Gordon’s father and other family members.

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“There was a great college basketball game played Thursday night between the University of Illinois and Indiana University, but the game has been somewhat diminished by inappropriate behavior by a number of fans in attendance,” the statement read. “We value the enthusiastic support of the sellout crowds at the Assembly Hall, but above all we take very seriously the reputation of our basketball program and the University of Illinois. The profanity and behavior by a small segment of fans Thursday night is disappointing and intolerable, and for that we apologize to fans of both teams.”