Respecting feminism
March 16, 2007
Congratulations to Amanda Graf on a very well-written article on “Sex Out Loud.” As someone who helped organize and staff the Theology of the Body table, I hope our presence opened people’s minds to a different perspective on sex and is a comfort for those who have chosen to abstain from sex to know that they’re not alone.
I’d like to address the comment by Kristen Rains that abstinence is typically only directed toward women and is “anti-women, anti-feminist.” Our message is directed toward both men and women. Although both sexes respond to sexuality differently, the message of respect is still the same. As far as abstinence being anti-women and anti-feminist, I wholeheartedly disagree. I am a feminist. I am also pro-life and saving sex for marriage. These things do not have to be mutually exclusive. The New Feminism movement stresses the same ideals of equal rights that are prevalent in mainstream feminism but also recognizes the differences between men and women that are manifested in our physical strengths and weaknesses.
Many feminist pioneers such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were vehemently opposed to abortion and believed it was a reflection of society’s failure to provide for women’s needs. These activists paved the way for modern women to have the ability to hold the places in society that we do through their demands to be treated with respect.
Organizations such as Feminists for Life and The New Feminism subcommittee of Illini Collegians for Life strive to bring back that idea of respect that is the root of feminism, respect that is in our value as women and not just for our bodies.
Becky Kaiser
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President, Illini Collegians For Life