COLUMN: Covering the Rose Bowl makes for a memorable experience

By Daniel Johnson

Favorite story

My feature on Jon Drollinger. It was the most challenging story that I’ve written from a research and interview standpoint. Because of that, however, it was also the most rewarding.

Best game I covered

I think I’d be dumb to say anything but the Rose Bowl. Aside from us getting throttled by USC, it was one of the most memorable experiences in my life, and I literally should have gotten fired for as much fun as I had.

Most challenging story

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The Drollinger feature – when calling neurosurgeons asking for interviews about vertebrae operations, things can get a bit tricky.

Play of the year

Paul Ruggeri’s performance at nationals on high bar.

Best quote

No. 3: Moratorium on all things Ball State, and other things.

Junior linebacker Brit Miller: “We’re going to stay away from bird watching.

We’re going to stay away from David Letterman late at night and just focus all our effort on this one. It’s a big one.”

I didn’t think that the players were avid bird watchers, but I’m just glad they’re giving it up for the week.

Thanks, Brit.

Best interview

Will Ferrell.

Most telling off-the-field moment

Seeing various athletes at local “establishments.”

Story line for ’08-’09

Football –

Can the team follow up the Rose Bowl season with the ridiculously hard road schedule it has?

Men’s gymnastics –

How will the team perform in head coach Yoshi Hayasaki’s last season?