8 Most Interesting Buildings on Campus You Have Never Stepped Foot In

By Declan Harty

1 | Smith Memorial Hall Theater

The former home of the School of Music in the 1920s, Smith Memorial Hall and its 830-seat theater are now masked by the infamous University construction curse on the exterior. But the rich woodwork still resembles the renowned theaters of its time.

2 | Mathematics Library at Altgeld Hall

Sitting inside the entrance of Altgeld, near the podium of where the Alma Mater used to stand, the Mathematics Library is known for the striking murals that line the walls of the inside.

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3 | Temple Hoyne Buell Hall

By far one of the most interesting buildings on campus, and rightly so as it plays host to the Architecture School, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall has some “Inception”-style staircases. 

4 | Stock Pavilion

The Stock Pavilion, which borders the quad to the South, was once home to the stock judging competitions. But now, rich with its aroma of livestock, it plays host to a variety of events and groups including Belegarth, the University’s registered student organization for Medieval combat.

5 | Business Instructional Facility

Well-known by business majors across campus, the Business Instructional Facility’s interior is rich with woodwork as well as students. Resembling a new age office building, BIF has plenty to prepare its students, including an Espresso Royale.

6 | Natural Resources Building

The Natural Resources Building, which plays host the Illinois State Geological Survey and the Illinois Natural History Survey, is by far one of the creepier buildings on campus. 

Through the Natural History Survey wing, the Museum of Natural History Amphibian and Reptile Collection can be found. With over 100,000 dead animals in jars, it resembles Professor Snape’s office.

7 | Loomis Laboratory

One of the many Engineering buildings on campus, Loomis Lab focuses on physics, and the lecture hall there just about defies them. With students nearly looking down on the top of their professors’ heads, Loomis Lab really makes you thank Foellinger for its more horizontal layout.

8 | Harker Hall

Once the home the Chemistry and Law programs, the quaint building that is located next to the Illini Union is Harker Hall, not an old haunted mansion. The building now plays host to the University of Illinois Foundation.

Declan is sophomore in LAS. He can be reached a [email protected]