Illini Media provides community, opportunities for University students
May 28, 2014
Why work at Illini Media? It might be easier to ask why not.
You learn skills that are applicable to the real world.
While working for The Daily Illini, Buzz, WPGU, Illio, Technograph or any other Illini Media production, students are able to gain hands-on experiences that are usable in future careers. All positions at Illini Media require a level of commitment that is comparable to any other job and also requires a strong level of communication, timeliness, creativity, innovation and other skills that are necessary to be a productive employee. By working for Illini Media, students will leave college better prepared and more confident as they head into the workforce.
Working at Illini Media is a great resume builder.
Not only does Illini Media provide an excellent resource for applicable job skills, but it also adds an extra oomph to your resume. Whether students who work for Illini Media write, design, edit or produce, they will have a level of knowledge about their particular field that makes for a great area of focus during interviews for internships, jobs and other opportunities. Through positions at Illini Media, students are able to develop their abilities in ways they would not have thought possible, and it is something that will stand out on any resume.
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You have opportunities that you don’t get elsewhere on campus.
With so many different areas to work in at Illini Media and so many different available positions, students are able to hone in on their specific interests without needing to be a student in the College of Media — Illini Media positions are open to students of all colleges and majors. By working for WPGU or The Daily Illini, for example, students are given the opportunity to share their voice over our campus radio station or have their work published for thousands of people to read. We are the heart of knowledge for campus activity, and we always have the 411 about what is going on at the University.
It is a chance to form and build your own campus family.
No matter what area of Illini Media you work for, chances are you will spend a good amount of your time in the building. As such, you have the opportunity to find a niche for yourself and really lay down some roots at the University. Through the time and work that goes into having a position at Illini Media, students are able to connect with others who share their same interests and are provided an opportunity to develop meaningful, long-lasting friendships.
It’s a way to leave your mark at the University.
Students working for Illini Media don’t simply create a piece of work. What we do at Illini Media is provide documentation of our time here and that is something that will last a lifetime. Through our newspaper, magazines, yearbook and other projects and publications, we are able to create something that is a representation of the entire University. We create tangible publications and meaningful work for future generations of students to look back on, and it is an amazing opportunity to be a part of that legacy.
Nicki is a senior in Media. She can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @NickiHalenza.