Police blotter for Nov. 19, 2014
November 19, 2014
— Criminal defacement of property was reported at Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, 58 E. Gregory Drive, around 8:30 a.m. Sunday.
According to the report, unknown offenders spray painted the fraternity house and five vehicles.
— A 19-year-old male was arrested on the charge of theft at Bergner’s, 2000 N. Neil St., around 5 p.m. Sunday.
According to the report, the suspect was arrested for shoplifting multiple items.
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— Theft was reported at Carr Hall, 1001 W. Pennsylvania Ave., around 9 p.m. Monday.
According to the report, an unknown offender stole the victim’s laptop, which was unattended in a study area. The computer has an estimated value of $400.
— Theft was reported at the Siebel Center for Computer Science, 201 N. Goodwin Ave., around 9 p.m. Friday.
According to the report, an unknown offender stole the victim’s laptop computer, which had been left unattended in a bag in a first-floor meeting room. The estimated value of the computer and bag is $400.
Nothing to report.
Compiled by Jason Chun