Police blotter for Jan. 23, 2015


Nothing to report.


— A 19-year-old male was arrested on the charges of battery, domestic battery and interfering with the filing of a domestic report at Houlihan’s, 111 St. Mary’s Road, around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.

According to the report, employees said the man became combative and struck an employee while trying to get a cell phone from his girlfriend, who works at the restaurant. The man refused to leave the restaurant and knocked the phone out of the hand of an employee attempting to call police.

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— Theft was reported at the Ikenberry Commons, 301 Gregory Drive, around 4 p.m. Wednesday.

According to the report, a student reported that someone had stolen his backpack, which was left unattended at the front desk parcel delivery area. The backpack contained a laptop that has an estimated value of $1,200.

— Theft was reported at Loomis Laboratory, 1110 W. Green St., around 12 p.m. Wednesday.

According to the report, a student’s cell phone was stolen from outside the auditorium. It has an estimated value of $200.


— Criminal damage to property was reported in the 100 block of North Busey Avenue around 3 p.m. Wednesday.

According to the report, an unknown offender broke a window at the victim’s residence.

Compiled by Miranda Holloway