The Main Library is the visage of the University’s libraries. It is an architectural behemoth constructed of brick and designed with limestone archways. The building replaced Altgeld Hall to accommodate the library’s expansive collection.
With an ever-increasing student population, it also accommodates the great minds who pass through its doors.
As long as the Main Library is open, students occupy its four floors. The Reading Room on the second floor is for those looking to confine themselves to a soundless area, except for, of course, the occasional student who unknowingly blasts music in their AirPods for all to hear.
Contrarily, the Orange Room is better suited for those who prefer to yap with a side of studying. Located on the first floor, the space encourages individual and group studies while being a food-and-drink-friendly area.
All of that has earned the Main Library first place in the Best Library category two years in a row. It is home to various University Library departments, branch libraries and those who romanticize procrastination.
The Main Library is the place to be — just don’t wait until finals season to check out what lies in its stacks.