IUB preps for spring musical

Online Poster
March 9, 2005
For many students, making a commitment to doing something every day Sunday-Thursday from 6 until 10 p.m. – in addition to managing a heavy course load – seems out of the question.
However, for many students, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Adam Cobb, senior in engineering, is producing this spring’s Illini Union Board (IUB) musical, Guys and Dolls. Cobb said he is very excited about the upcoming production. As the producer, Cobb said his job is to “organize the budget and make sure everything is running smoothly.”
As for the rehearsals, Cobb said they are “pretty intense.”
“Everyone involved in the show is a student, and we all have really crazy schedules, so you have to love it to be involved with it,” he said. “You really have to love theater and love the people you’re working with, because everyone becomes really close spending so many hours together.”
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Chris Owen, the director of the show, agreed.
Owen, senior in FAA, said he dropped all his other extra-curricular activities when he decided to take the job as director so he could devote more time to the show.
“I love coming here for rehearsal four hours a day,” he said.
Whitney Hutchinson, sophomore in LAS and the show’s assistant director, said that to her, IUB shows are a great way to meet new people.
“You get a chance to meet all sorts of people doing these musicals,” she said. “There are engineering majors, dance majors, Greeks and non-Greeks.”
Owen said he likes Guys and Dolls for a number of reasons. He said the musical, which is referred to as the “Musical Fable of Broadway,” is “basically just a good time all around.”
Myah Shein, senior in LAS, is the choreographer for the show.
Shein said dance has always been a big part of her life. She said even though the workload is tough, in the end, the finished product is what makes it all worth it to her.
“It’s a challenge to balance classes and rehearsals, and basically whenever I’m not in class, I’m working on the show,” she said. “But I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t love it.”
Stacy Coyne, sophomore in LAS, is a dancer in the show. Coyne said she just started dancing in college and she loves it.
Coyne said this is her third IUB musical. She said she enjoys doing them because of the people.
“I just love working with the people I do,” she said. “They are like a second family to me.”
Owen said he hopes the audience enjoys watching the show as much as the cast and crew enjoy working on it.
“When you leave you will have a big smile on your face, and probably humming one of the songs from the show,” he said.
The show will take place during Mom’s Day Weekend, with one show at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 15, and two shows, at 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., on Saturday, April 16. Tickets go on sale next week at the ticket central booth at the Illini Union.