Business: Semester recap: ‘stock pick of the week’

By Jeffrey Lipsey

Well, this is my last week writing the business column for the Daily Illini, so I decided to take a look over the past 15 weeks and see (or gloat on) how my Stock Picks of the Week have held up. Needless to say, if you followed all of my recommendations, you would not be disappointed.

Cryptologic, Inc., right after I recommended the stock, it dropped to about $15.90 a share. If you had the funds I would have told you to buy more because I was assured the stock would increase. And I was right. I still have a BUY recommendation on this stock, as it is nowhere near done yet.

I bought this spider as a hedge to the portfolio, and it is doing what I thought it would do. In volatile markets, this energy spider should hold firm. As such, I would not buy any more at this time, but instead HOLD the ones you do have.

During the past couple months, Party Gaming has done a lot to increase its share price and value. First, it ended all franchise poker rooms that paid a set fee and instead, collects the entire rake itself. I don’t expect this price to go down any farther and if your broker will let you, BUY.

General Electric continues to remain a solid choice in my opinion. The dividend yield is just under three percent and I see no slow in the growth of revenue. I continue to say BUY for this one too.

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Sirius Radio is probably the riskiest stock of all the ones I have chosen. Howard Stern starts at the beginning of the year on his new radio show and many argue this is already priced into the stock. I would not buy any more at this time, but rather see what it does. Thus, HOLD onto the stock you already have, and perhaps buy a put option to protect those gains against a bad swing.

Corinthian Colleges is probably the second riskiest stock in this portfolio. It has not done anything spectacular in a good year or so, but I still have hope for it. I would BUY more at this price to average down your costs. But, if you are nervous about this stock you can find better places to put your money.

After recommending Toyota a couple months ago, I received a great e-mail from a reader that used to work at Ford. He told me that the problems that Ford and General Motors are facing today are the same problems that Toyota will face. I agree. I would not purchase any more of this stock, but I don’t think it is time to sell.

HOLD.Advanced Micro Devices receives the Stock Pick of the Week Award for generating the highest percent return. I don’t know how much higher this stock will go, but I don’t think I’m going to stick around for it. I would SELL and reinvest in other markets.

Citigroup, in my mind, continues to perform well. With a dividend yield still of 3.6 percent, I see no reason why you shouldn’t buy this stock. It is still selling really cheap with a price earnings ratio of 11.03. BUY.Unless online sales are going to drop off the face of the earth, I see no reason to sell this stock. With the holiday season coming around I would wait and see how this stock performs. I recommend a HOLD on this stock, but if you feel cautious you can’t go wrong with buying a put option to get you through the holiday season.

Ah yes, Google, the master of online searches. As it continues to climb, so do my worries of a big drop in price. I would HOLD this stock.

It looks like I bought Marvel Entertainment at the right price, but even now I see it increasing even more. I would BUY more of this stock.

It has only been a couple weeks for our friends over at France Telecom, but it looks like it is on the climb again after dropping heavily. I wouldn’t buy any more at this time, unless I see it start to climb again. HOLD.

Since I just recommended Target last week, it is too close to call to have any change in recommendations. Thus, I can only say to BUY more of this stock until I see otherwise.

Overall, my portfolio is kicking butt. Had you invested $1,000 in every stock listed above at the price I recommended, it would have cost you $14,000. The value of the portfolio now, not including dividends, is $15,171. The total return on the portfolio is 8.36 percent over a period of 14 weeks. That’s fantastic. Good luck on finals and have a good break.

Jeffrey Lipsey is a senior in Business. This is his final column. He can be reached at [email protected].