Visit Career Center

By Sky Opila

Finding a job out of college right now is not that easy.

For years, I thought that if I graduated, I was guaranteed a job. However, more and more of my friends have been walking across the stage without jobs awaiting them. The market for entry-level college graduates is just not that great these days. In order to ensure that you will be working four years down the road, you should be thinking about it now.

To kick off this ongoing process of seeking employment, the Career Center, located adjacent to the Quad at 715 S. Wright St., is an excellent resource. Counselors at the Career Center can help you decide on a major, write a resume, compose a cover letter, discuss graduate school and pre-medical school options, and they will even help you set up mock interviews so you are ready for the nerve-testing job recruiters you will soon encounter.

The trick to all of this is to not be afraid to use this tool. With a campus population of around 40,000, the Career Center should be the most frequented place on campus. Nevertheless, students still try to go it alone and figure out the system for themselves, which makes the Career Center one of the most underutilized tools available.

Before you get to school, I implore you to check out the Career Center Web site. The site even has great resources including tips on classes you should register for, which is a good thing for any incoming freshman, major decided or not.

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I know that when I first showed up, resumes and the real world were the furthest things from my mind. But the sooner you come to terms with these realities, the more likely you will find a job after college.

The best part about the Career Center is that the counselors really do know what they are talking about. They will offer you some of the most valuable advice you may ever receive during college. Make sure you visit the Career Center; it will save you a lot of stress and make you a marketable job applicant.

Even if you have a small question, stop by the Career Center; they accept walk-ins as well as appointments.