How to spend your Fourth of July weekend in Champaign


By Summer Editorial Team

As the anniversary of this nation’s independence approaches, students stranded in Champaign over the holiday weekend may wonder what options they have to celebrate. 

The official Champaign County Freedom Celebration will take place at Memorial Stadium all day. Beginning with a 5k race and youth run at 8:30 a.m. and ending after dusk with a fireworks display, the event will feature entertainment for the whole family. Throughout the day, the event promises to include a parade, musical entertainment, food trucks and activities for children. Many of these activities will take place on or near campus — specifically near Memorial Stadium — so the fun is easily within walking distance for students in Champaign this summer.

The Champaign Park District is also throwing its hat in the Independence Day celebration ring with a Fourth of July swim at Sholem Aquatic Center. This event will take place at the pool from 10:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m., weather permitting. The aquatic center will charge its normal entrance fee.

The Urbana Park District will also offer an opportunity to keep cool and swim on the Fourth of July, allowing community members to come celebrate at the Crystal Lake Park Family Aquatic Center. The day will feature games, activities for families and contests with prizes and giveaways. The park district will charge its normal entrance fee.

As community members celebrate this day, it is important to recall that the Fourth of July is not a moment of celebration for everyone. According to a 2020 article from PBS Newshour, the freedom granted to citizens of the United States on its Independence Day did not extend to indigenous populations, Black people, women or immigrants.

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“While some people see the holiday as a chance to celebrate democracy — or ‘the greatest political experiment ever tried’ — others are questioning what it means to be patriotic and whether the country is fulfilling the promise of its founding for everyone,” the article said.

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