UI alum builds TikTok following through ‘albumwalk’ video


By Alexis Ramirez, Staff Writer

When Divya Polson set out from Seattle’s ​​Washington Park Arboretum, she had already done the math. She’d need to walk just short of a marathon distance to finish “One Wayne G,” Mac DeMarco’s nearly nine-hour compilation album.

The Seattle-based product designer and University of Illinois alum has posted a series of TikTok videos documenting her LP-length walks over the past six and a half months.

Polson started the now-viral series on Oct. 30 of 2022 with Taylor Swift’s album “Midnights (3am Edition)” while she was living in San Francisco. In a long-distance relationship, she had been spending a lot of time alone in the city, often taking walks to entertain herself.

She already listened to music during her walks, but her boyfriend encouraged her to listen to albums from start to finish instead of individual songs or playlists on shuffle.

Polson said she began her Tiktok series because she thought documenting her adventures would be a good way for her to share the music she was listening to while motivating herself to continue walking around the city.

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“It felt like I had a goal in mind or a timeframe that the album provided, so that helped motivate me and inspire me to go on more walks just for health, as well as spending more time in the city by myself,” Polson said.

It’s common for Polson to receive comments suggesting albums for her to walk to next.

“When the album came out, I had noticed so many comments, just across all my videos, on walking to ‘One Wayne G,’” she said.

“Now do One ‘Wayne G,’” one user commented on her video on DeMarco’s “This Old Dog.” “One Wayne G-,” followed by three skull and crossbones emoji, another user said.

“One Wayne G”, an almost nine-hour album released on April 21 by Canadian indie musical artist Mac DeMarco, was one of Polson’s most highly requested albums.

“I think most people meant it as a joke, like, ‘It’s such a long album! Hahaha! No way you’re gonna walk this!’ just kind of messing with me,” Polson said. “But I just kind of thought about it and I was like, ‘Maybe I’ll just do it for the plot,’ just to be the magnum opus of all my album walks in a way.”

Polson completed the walk with her mother who was visiting Seattle. She used ChatGPT and Google Maps to curate a route that would yield approximately nine hours of walking between the city’s tourist attractions.

She bought a new pair of walking shoes and planned to meet her cousin for lunch to charge her phone, Apple Watch and AirPods.

According to the data recorded on her smartwatch, Polson walked 24.22 miles in 8 hours, 44 minutes and 23 seconds over the course of 11 hours, 28 minutes and 59 seconds for an average pace of 21:39 per mile with an average heart rate of 128 beats per minute.

The TikTok video documenting her walk while listening to “One Wayne G” has received at least 1.1 million views and 202.8K likes.

Today, Polson’s aren’t the only videos listed under the “albumwalk” hashtag on the video platform.

“I haven’t seen anyone else do it before I started it, but I have seen a lot of album walks since, or people tagging me in things that they’re starting,” she said.

Polsen encourages people to try walking and listening to an album start to end, but she wouldn’t recommend “One Wayne G” for day one.

“I thought it was a great album,” Polsen said. “I probably would never listen to it again front to back unless I was just having it on in the background while working or something, but there are a few gems that I definitely saved — especially the lyrical ones — and have gone back to,”

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