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The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

The independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois since 1871

The Daily Illini

Column | How to be single on Valentines Day

Anjali Wadhwa

You might have noticed Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Soon, the campus streets will be filled with couples holding hands, snuggling and laughing.  

I have never had a Valentine’s Day where I wasn’t alone. Honestly, it kind of sucks. Hopefully, someday, I will walk through the Main Quad with my partner, but that day is most definitely not occurring this year. 

So, if you’re single like me, here are some ways to get yourself through the day and enhance your self-esteem.


Make a love letter to yourself 

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Get a piece of paper and a pen and simply jot down everything you like about yourself. Even if you don’t pay attention to all the good things about yourself, you might find there are a lot of lovely things about you. Writing a letter for your future self could also be a great way to appreciate your life. Think of all the events, people and feelings in your life right now and encapsulate them onto notebook paper. 


Make love letters to people you love

Although similar to the one above, this one is about appreciating the people in your life that keep the earth on its axis. Show them how much you care about them. It will make their day. Valentine’s Day should not be limited to romantic love but should also spread love to those who make your life enjoyable. 


Practice self care

Paint your nails. Take a long hot shower. It may sound stupid, but hug yourself. If no one else can, do it for yourself. 


Go to the store and buy yourself chocolates and flowers 

On Valentine’s Day last year, I took matters into my own hands. I went to my local Target and bought myself Valentine-themed Hershey’s  Kisses. They were delicious, and they were for me. So, for anyone who wants someone else to get them chocolates, flowers or any treat, get it yourself. You deserve it.


Spend time with friends

Although most of these tips are catered towards exploring self-love, being with people you love is equally important. If you know you’re the type to rot in bed and cry about being single on Valentine’s Day, you should probably try to make a plan with others to distract yourself.


Manifest love into your life

Self-love is great, but it doesn’t mean I want to forever remain single. Don’t go through your days convincing yourself no one will ever find you desirable. Confidence is key, and love often comes unexpectedly.


I hope this list helps at least a little bit. If not, I’m sorry because I had a lot of good tips here. On this Valentine’s Day, know you are loved and cared for. Your perfect Valentine will arrive to you soon. There’s just been a bit of a delay in the mailing system.


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