Microsoft scoots tech

By Anna Heinemann

Instead of dodging bicyclists, rollerbladers and skateboards, students might be lucky enough to run into Segway scooters while out on the Quad Wednesday afternoon.

Members of a Microsoft promotional team will be zipping around near the Illini Union on Segway scooters Wednesday to promote a new product called “One Note,” said Microsoft spokesman Ben Sturner.

Sturner said the team will be handing out samples of One Note that are valued at $50.

One Note is a new note taking and management program Microsoft is releasing to run with Microsoft Office. According to One Note’s product Web site, the program offers a way to record notes from lecture, organize and share them, and publish them online. One Note also can help students create class presentations and lesson outlines.

“It’s a whole new way to take notes – the three-ring binder for the 21st Century,” Sturner said. “We chose to come to Illinois because it’s a great, technological, computing campus.”

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