Greek groups hold turkey drive

By Omolade Dada

Greek unity will help feed families this year. The Black Greek Council (BGC), Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council and United Greek Council will hold the 21st annual Turkey Food Drive today at Champaign’s Douglas Center. Turkey Drive is an annual food drive that usually takes place the week before Thanksgiving.

“We’re holding it at Douglas to be in the community where the people live; what better way to do it?” said Paraisia Winston, BGC vice president.

Coordinators said the drive will feed poor families in the community. The food collected from Wal-Mart and donations will be cooked for the families. Leftover baskets will be given to the Champaign Urban League to disperse among the families.

“I think it’s a really nice time for everybody to come and contribute and do a really nice community service project for other people,” Winston said.

This year’s goal to feed 103 families surpasses last year’s drive, which fed about 60 families. The Urban League provided the list of recipients from the Department of Human Services. Most of the recipients are elderly and on welfare.

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“They are really happy that someone has come to care about them,” Winston said.

Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club have donated items, as well as each council sponsoring the food drive.

Monetary and food donations are also accepted from other organizations. Coordinators compile a list of food items for the drive and submit the list to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart provides the majority of food items. The menu ranges from turkey and stuffing, to macaroni and desserts.

Preparation for the food drive took months of planning.

Interfraternity Council President Nick Olenec said service events where students donate their time are often overlooked.

“It’s important to have service events. You’re not taking in any money, you’re putting in time, and physically being there to help the people you are concerned about,” Olenec said.

The food drive also allows newly elected board members of Interfraternity Council and other councils to network with people in different organizations.

“It gives them a chance to meet a lot of people and see leadership at work,” said Olenec.

Many other members of the councils are simply enthused to be a part of the service event.

“I feel real positive and excited to be able to serve all the families,” said BGC member Brandon Nichols.