Champaign Library to get new funding

Construction continues on the new Champaign Public Library, Wednesday. The new library will be located next to the existing library at 505 S. Randolph St. in Champaign. Both private and state funds contributed to it. Brad Vest

Construction continues on the new Champaign Public Library, Wednesday. The new library will be located next to the existing library at 505 S. Randolph St. in Champaign. Both private and state funds contributed to it. Brad Vest

By Erin Lindsay

The Champaign Public Library continues with its complete renovation this fall, thanks to a $150,000 grant from the State and the help of state representative Naomi Jakobsson, D-Urbana.

The recent funding will help acquire land and pay for professional planning and engineering for the new building, which is expected to be done in the fall of 2007. While the current facility is about 40,000 square feet, Library Director Marsha Grove said the $30 million project to build a new library is a much needed one.

“40,000 square feet is too small for the active users in this community,” Grove said. “We believe in education and life-long learning. Our library is a community learning center and a democratic institution.”

After beginning talks in 2001, construction began in December of 2005, and the $30 million project has chugged along thanks to funding by both private donors as well as the State. Grove said that while most of the money comes from the city and its selling of bonds, a goal of $3 million was set for private funding. Jakobsson’s fundraising, which began last spring, has her very excited about the building’s progress.

“I believe that everybody values from our library so much whether it’s for education or relaxation; it’s an important place in our community,” Jakobsson said.

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Jakobsson said she was told last spring of capital funds leftover from the previous year’s budget. Since the money’s use was restricted to not-for-profit and educational purposes, Jakobsson said “the library was the first thing that came to my mind.”

Mary Bissey, assistant director for the Champaign Public Library, has worked with the library for over 22 years. Bissey said the staff was delighted and appreciated the grant. In her many years with the library, Bissey said she has seen consistent changes.

“I was with the library before the building we are in now ever existed,” Bissey said. “Every year we’ve seen an increase in people and our collection. The people of Champaign benefit more and more, and people take advantage more and more.”

Grove said that the busy library, with 25 items per year per capita compared to the national average of 8.3 items annually perperson, will expand its services and space to fit all age groups, but will also continue its currently successful programs such as the bookmobile. Bissey said the portable book assortment allows the library to take a small collection into the neighborhood for those who cannot drive or otherwise make it to the library.

“We take our library’s collection to them,” Bissey said.

Jakobsson said that her experiences with the Champaign Public Library have all been positive ones.

“My children are grown now, but we used to visit often,” Jakobsson said. They’d say in excitement, ‘Can we go to the library?’ very often.”

Jakobsson was given a new experience when she and her husband raised some of their grandchildren for a period of time.

“It was great to get to experience the library again after it had been years without children to take. There are new programs including reading programs and nowadays people go to get music and movies,” Jakobsson said.

The $150,000 grant will allow the Champaign Public Library to continue its growth and bring new opportunities for area residents as it continues to expand its space and programs.