ON-AIR: Champaign County cracks down on traffic violations

By Kathleen Lambert

With many students packing their bags and hitting the road, students may want to be mindful of traffic laws, as Champaign County has recently been cracking down on everything from seat-belt usage to speeding.

Interstates and county roads throughout Champaign County have been seeing an increase in patrolling due to a large amount of recent complaints about reckless driving.

Sergeant Bill Emery of the Illinois State Police hopes that the crack down will reduce the amount of speed-related accidents along the interstates this holiday season.

“We find that even five miles above the posted speed limit, which most people think they can do which is not true, results in increased injuries and fatalities, so we are patrolling for speed, we have motorcycle detail out and they’re stopping people at lower speeds.”

The increase in police presence along the interstate is expected to last through January.

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