Student arrested after S.W.A.T. team deployed to Champaign residence

By Steve Contorno

The Champaign Police Department’s S.W.A.T. team was deployed Thursday morning in response to a search warrant issued following a shooting on Tuesday.

Two suspects were detained after a brief standoff with the police at the 300 block of South State Street. Around 8:35 a.m., officers directed the occupants of a home, located at 310 S. State St., to leave the residence, using the telephone and a bullhorn to lure the residents out.

One of the occupants of the home, Blake Schroedter, complied with the officers’ demand to leave the residence. However, the other remained in the home for approximately one hour.

Schroedter, a 24-year-old student in LAS, has since been arrested and charged with Aggravated Battery. His facebook profile, which is private, depicts a man holding a gun.

The second suspect was questioned and released. His identity is not being disclosed.

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“The S.W.A.T. team was deployed because there was a threat of possible weapons in the house,” police spokeswoman Rene Dunn said. “The S.W.A.T. team does a threat assessment based on possibility of weapons and whether the police have had prior problems with the occupants.”

The warrant was issued after a shooting on Tuesday morning when officers responded to a call of strange noises and paint marks near the home. While responding to the call, officers observed a 43-year-old woman being shot multiple times with paintballs while riding a bicycle, Dunn said.

The victim thought she had been shot with a real gun.

The officers then tried to make contact with the residents of 310 S. State Street, but were unsuccessful.

Dunn said the S.W.A.T. team did not raid the house on Thursday, but were used as a precaution because of the possibility of a threat. Also as a precaution, police asked residents located north, south and east of the home to evacuate as well.

Dunn could not comment on whether or not officers found weapons inside the home, nor could she identify the occupants in question. It was not clear why the one detainee would not leave the house, Dunn said, and she could not comment on the investigation, as it is ongoing.