Student senate to bring cards to bars

Erica Magda
October 3, 2007
Instead of maintaining a buzz as they visit campus bars Wednesday night, the members of the student senate’s Committee on Student Rights will try to create one during their annual “Card Crawl” event. Members will visit eight campus bars.
“Members of the committee will pass out small cards that students can carry in their wallets,” said Jaclyn O’Day, junior in LAS and student senator. The senators will also hand out cards to bartenders, servers and anyone else interested.
There was originally controversy in the student senate regarding whether or not to purchase as many cards as last year. Because there was a surplus of cards left over after last year, senators believed it was frivolous to spend money on the cards if there would be cards leftover.
“You can find these numbers on the Internet,” said Gerald Charleston, graduate student, during a senate meeting on Sept. 19.
Last year the committee had close to 10,000 cards printed, but this year the committee only bought 3,000 with the money allocated by the senate.
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O’Day said she believes there will be more than enough cards for students.
“Anyone who wants a card will get one,” she said.
On one side of the card, recipients can find the telephone numbers for SafeRides and other organizations. On the other side, students can learn the appropriate way to handle encounters with law enforcement.
The cards are an installment of the “Know Your Rights” campaign, a project that informs undergraduate students of their rights on campus. The campaign’s information targets students living in University residence halls, fraternities and sororities.
The committee may hold another crawl shortly before Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day. The committee planned on distributing cards last year as well, but it could not organize quickly enough, O’Day said.
“I know a lot of people that still keep them in their wallet (from last year’s crawl),” she said.