Three Illini football players no longer under investigation for bar incident

By Sky Opila

The Champaign Police Department confirmed Friday afternoon that investigations on the incident involving three Illini football players on Oct. 18 are closed.

Rene Dunn, assistant to the chief of police for community services from the Champaign Police Department, said that no further information was available that could possibly establish grounds for further arrest.

After police responded to a large fight outside of C.O. Daniel’s, 608 E. Daniel St., at 1:56 a.m. on Oct. 18, three subjects were pointed out to them as being involved in the fight. The subjects fled the scene and were pursued on foot by Champaign police officers, according to the police department’s press release.

A short time later Daryle Ballew, Brian Gamble and Mark Jackson, all freshmen Illini football players, were stopped for matching the description of the men involved in the fight. However, at the time of arrest, police were unable to find any evidence linking the football players to the fight but did find probable cause to issue them notices to appear in court.

Ballew and Gamble, both 18, were issued notices for being present in a liquor establishment, a violation of a city ordinance that requires patrons be 19-years-old to enter a bar in Campustown. Mark Jackson, 19, was issued a notice for underage purchase and possession of alcohol, and, after further investigation, was issued a notice for resisting an officer.

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All three men were suspended from last Saturday’s home game against Michigan.

The Daily Illini reported on Thursday that a memo from Chancellor Richard Herman to the Board of Trustees stated that Mike Locksley Jr. and Ian Thomas, both freshmen football players, were present at the scene that night. Police and representatives from the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics were unable to confirm this report.