Odds and ends: Captain Underpants outfits cause ban of all costumes

By The Associated Press

LONG BEACH, N.Y. – Call it the Misadventure of Captain Underpants and the Peeved Principal.

A suburban Long Island high school has banned all Halloween costumes after three senior girls showed up last year dressed as the underwear-baring subject of a series of best-selling children’s books.

Principal Nicholas Restivo said the episode solidified his sense that the school’s costume tradition was disruptive.

For the Captain Underpants costumes, the three girls donned beige leotards and nude stockings under white briefs and red capes to portray the superhero, who has battled such foes as talking toilets. To Restivo, the appearance was that the girls were naked.

“I’m being a principal. I’m not being an ogre,” Restivo said.

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Odd photograph of animal compared to Sasquatch

RIDGWAY, Pa. – It’s furry and walks on all fours.

Beyond that, about the only thing certain about the critter photographed by a hunter’s camera is that some people have gotten the notion it could be a Sasquatch, or bigfoot. Others say it’s just a bear with a bad skin infection.

Rick Jacobs says he got the pictures from a camera with an automatic trigger that he fastened to a tree in the Allegheny National Forest.

“We couldn’t figure out what they were,” Jacobs said of the images. “I’ve been hunting for years and I’ve never seen anything like this.”

He contacted the Bigfoot Research Organization, which pursues reports of the legendary two-legged creature.

“It appears to be a primate-like animal. In my opinion, it appears to be a juvenile Sasquatch,” said Paul Majeta of the bigfoot group.

However, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has a more conventional opinion.

“There is no question it is a bear with a severe case of mange,” agency spokesman Jerry Feaser said.

From Associated Press reports