Campus prepares for heavy snow buildup

ob Shaw, a buildings and services employee from Urbana, clears snow away from the steps of the Union on the Quad side Thursday evening. Check throughout the day for weather updates. Erica Magda

ob Shaw, a buildings and services employee from Urbana, clears snow away from the steps of the Union on the Quad side Thursday evening. Check throughout the day for weather updates. Erica Magda

The state issued a winter storm advisory Thursday morning that will remain in effect from 6 p.m. Thursday afternoon to noon on Friday.

All Unit 4 schools in Champaign have been closed Friday due to the prediction of 10 to 12 inches of snow, said Ron Bode, principal of Centennial High School in Champaign.

According to the forecast by Scott Olthoff, WILL-AM 580 meteorologist, between five to eight inches will accumulate overnight by 8 a.m. Friday morning.

Snow is expected to fall the heaviest between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. Friday morning, according to Carl Weber, the director of maintenance at the University Facilities and Services.

Total snow accumulation overnight is predicted to reach eight to 10 inches by noon Friday.

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Snow plows will target primary campus streets and drives first. The University grounds and building services departments will be clearing sidewalks and building entrances as their top priorities.

Students are advised not to worry too much about snow on sidewalks. “We have been out all day pre-treating sidewalks and salting streets in preparation of the snow,” said Weber.

Because of the snow, vehicle parking in lots without proper permit will not warrant parking violations Friday.

The University Facilities and Services’ Maintenance Division advises drivers to move their cars off the streets tonight in order to help efforts to clear the snow from the roads.

Melissa Chua, Erika Strebel and Pamela Nisivaco contributed to this report