Odds and Ends: Pint-glass-shaped Guinness costume stolen in Michigan

By The Associated Press

EASTPOINTE, Mich. – Police in suburban Detroit are looking for a 6-foot-tall glass of Guinness.

A green, pint-glass-shaped Guinness costume has been reported stolen. It’s valued at $3,000 and had been flown to Michigan from Ireland to be used as advertising. Eastpointe Police Lt. Leo Borowsky says it is believed to be one of only two such costumes in the U.S.

Authorities say a Detroit beer distribution company loaned out the costume for Halloween. The owner of the home where the costume had been stored found out it had been stolen after the company asked for it back.

No small town voters show for annexation refreendum

TAMARAC, Fla. – Every vote counts. But what happens when there are no votes at all?

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That’s the case in Tamarac. No voters showed up Wednesday night to cast a ballot in an annexation referendum for Broward County community.

There are 68 registered voters in the 200-person Prospect Bend neighborhood. Tamarac officials have proposed annexing the neighborhood.

Details were mailed to voters. If just one had shown up, that one vote would have decided the neighborhood’s fate.

Woman gives birth on roadside after truck dies

CARROLLTON, Ohio – Amy and Jim Albert’s truck handled a special delivery when it broke down on the way to a hospital.

A pregnant Amy was having painful contractions when the couple left their home on Wednesday. But they had to pull over about 45 minutes from the hospital when their truck died.

Amy’s water then broke. A paramedic, she brought towels just in case.

Jim said his newborn daughter was in his hands before he even knew what happened.

Amy’s fellow paramedics soon came along to take the couple and Erin Nicole Albert to a hospital.