Odds and Ends: Texas cabin moved by Ike still intact a half mile away

By The Associated Press

BEAUMONT, Texas – A neighbor found something that a Beaumont woman had been missing since Hurricane Ike swamped Bolivar Peninsula.

Her beach cabin – more than a half mile from its piers.

Cissie Owen was amazed to discover the small structure had been deposited intact, by the storm surge, in a field across a highway.

The interior had a water line of about 4 feet, with mud and muck throughout the structure.

Owen inspected her property Tuesday and told KFDM television that a neighbor located the cabin among debris left behind by the Sept. 13 hurricane.

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Owen, who’s a political science instructor at Lamar University, says she has insurance but doesn’t plan to rebuild what she calls the “feisty little cabin.”

Mich. woman’s grandma to serve as maid of honor

SAGINAW TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Many brides-to-be pick best friends to serve as their maids or matrons of honor.

That’s the case for Erica Schultz.

But the Saginaw Township woman’s best buddy isn’t a high school or college pal.

It’s her 92-year-old grandmother.

Angelene Schultz will stand beside her granddaughter when the 26-year-old marries Mark James on Oct. 18 in Bay City, Mich.

“She is my best friend,” said Erica Schultz, who owns a Web design business with her fiance. “When my grandpa died, she bought a house down the street from our family. We both needed someone.

“I still go over to her house every day, to get her mail and prescriptions,” she told The Saginaw News.

When Schultz met James in 2001, they stopped by Angelene Schultz’s house on the night of their first date.

“I feel it is a big honor for me to be in the wedding party, and I’m happy to do it, even if I do raise some eyebrows,” said Angelene.