Urbana-Champaign Senate’s question and answer session may address controversies

By Marie Wilson

The Urbana-Champaign Senate, a body composed of 200 faculty members and 50 students, will meet at 3:10 p.m. Monday to discuss topics, such as name changes to majors and programs and the possibility of an Illinois Constitutional Convention.

While those topics are on the Senate’s formal agenda, Nicholas Burbules, chair of the Senate’s executive committee, said the question and answer session prior to the formal section may include more controversial topics.

“I won’t be surprised if the faculty wants to talk about ethics and political speech on campus,” Burbules said.

Burbules said he advised the Chancellor to have someone with a legal background present at the meeting to answer questions about the ethics policy.

Aside from political ethics, two other ongoing issues may come up during the question and answer session of the meeting.

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A discussion about revising Global Campus is on the Senate’s Nov. 3 meeting agenda, but Burbules said someone may bring it up at this meeting as well.

Burbules also expects the Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government, a program proposed at the University, to be discussed at the meeting or next month.

The idea of creating a unit for the study of capitalist economic and governmental principles has been under consideration for at least a year.

“There is not problem with wanting to discuss those issues on campus,” Burbules said. “The problem is with the funding setup.”

Burbules said these three issues have been coming up in multiple legislative and public venues, so he expects them to be of importance at the Senate meeting as well.