Odds and Ends: Ala. vets left with 32 cats, note from their dying owner

By The Associated Press

OPELIKA, Ala. – Five veterinary clinics in eastern Alabama received 32 surprises in the last week: healthy cats in carriers, along with notes from an anonymous donor saying she is dying from cancer.

The notes signed by “Miss R” beg the vets to find her pets new homes.

“My time is very, very short,” the donor wrote. “I beg you not to let them die because I have to, please!”

Veterinarian Kim Bond said she found three plastic containers poked with holes sitting at her clinic’s front door when she got to work at 7 a.m. a week ago.

Winnie the Pooh characters decorate vacant Mich. house

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FLINT, Mich. – Winnie the Pooh characters are helping to brighten one of the many vacant homes on the south side of this struggling industrial city.

Kristina Pringle, 20, has a sketch pad full of cartoon characters, and since August, she’s been applying her hobby to beautifying an unoccupied house a few doors from her own home. She has been sketching Winnie’s friends on the boarded-up windows.

Neighbors say their first choice would be to see the vacant house torn down, but they say the cartoons are an improvement over bare plywood.

From Associated Press reports