Gunshots reported at Western Kentucky University

By The Associated Press

BOWLING GREEN, Kentucky- Western Kentucky University was on lockdown Wednesday after someone reported seeing people with weapons in a building on a satellite campus and police later received reports that shots had been fired on the main campus, more than a mile (1.6 kilometers) away.

According to the university Web site, police searched the South Campus building but were not able to find any people with guns or witnesses who could confirm the reports.

They later sent a text message warning students to seek shelter after the reports of shots fired in or near Pearce Ford Tower residence hall, on the school’s main campus, though those reports were also unconfirmed.

A university spokesman said police did confirm there was some type of fight in or near the residence hall.

“We did have a fight and initial reports were that a weapon was involved, but that has not been confirmed,” said Bob Skipper, director of media relations for the school about an hour north of Nashville, Tennessee. “We actually had reports of three different fights, one on our south campus about a mile (1.6 kilometers)

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from our main campus.”

He said he didn’t know whether the fights were connected.

The campus emergency warning system was activated and students and employees were told to remain indoors. An all clear was announced shortly after 3 p.m. CDT, ending the lock-down.