Odds and Ends: Councilman tells teenagers to hoist their saggy pants

DALLAS – Dallas Councilman Dwaine Caraway is on a mission: He wants those wearing low-hanging, baggy pants to pull them up.

As part of his ongoing campaign against saggy, underwear-exposing pants, he held a summit Saturday. More than 100 adults, children, students, ministers, law enforcement officers and representatives from local organizations attended the hours-long derriere affair.

Local youth counselor Calvin Glover even brought a contingent of saggy bottom teens.

Glover, a 29-year-old former sagger who still admits to an occasional offense, said kids today have taken the trend too far, exposing too much of their backsides.

“Come on, man,” he said disgustedly. “I don’t want to see your dirty boxers that you’ve had on for two or three days. “

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Looking at a toddler sitting on one woman’s lap, Caraway said the baby girl had a right not to see dirty boxers. So does the elderly woman at the grocery store, he said.

Outside the chambers, 16-year-old Ernesto Arias seemed undaunted. “It’s just a style. It looks good like that,” he said.

Man wins sexism battle to prove men can cook too

MEXICO CITY – One man is taking the heat so that all men can compete in the kitchen for “Best Cook of Mexico City” honors.

Benjamin Garcia is outraged that city officials barred him from entering the contest last year because he is a man.

He has filed a complaint with the city’s Human Rights Commission, arguing the contest discriminated against men and stereotyped women.

Contest organizers have fought back, insisting the government-run competition is meant to honor women who labor at home with little recognition.

But the rights commission is siding with Garcia, announcing Saturday that the city is relenting and the 2008 contest will be open to men.

From Associated Press reports