Odds and Ends: Full-size cardboard figure causes bank standoff

By The Associated Press

MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP, N.J. – A standoff at a New Jersey bank is over after police learned a “person” seen inside was actually a full-size cardboard figure.

Officers went to the PNC Bank in Montgomery Township on Thursday night after an alarm went off. They saw what they thought was at least one person through the windows of the bank, which had its blinds drawn.

The area was sealed off and three nearby apartment buildings were evacuated as a precaution. Meanwhile, authorities used bullhorns and made telephone calls in a bid to make contact with whoever might be in the bank.

After repeatedly failing to get a response, a SWAT team entered the building and discovered the cardboard figure.

It was not immediately clear what set off the bank alarm.

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Car’s drunken drivers have NY police seeing double

EAST MEADOW, N.Y. – Police on Long Island say they’ve pulled two drunken drivers from one car.

Nassau County officers say they spotted a woman trying to make a three-point turn on a road in East Meadow. They say that when she couldn’t complete the maneuver, she switched places with a male passenger, who took the steering wheel and completed the turn while not wearing a seat belt.

Police pulled them over and charged them with drunken driving.

As police Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey put it, “We have two individuals arrested for driving the same car intoxicated.”

The man and the woman were arraigned Friday on driving while intoxicated and other charges.

The woman was ordered held on $1,000 bail. The man was ordered held on $5,000 bail.

They’re due back in court Tuesday.