Multiple false alarms cause headaches for firefighters
March 6, 2009
A false fire alarm pulled inside the Green Street Towers Apartments, 616 East Green Street, called five fire trucks to the scene around 3:35 p.m. this afternoon- the fifth false alarm of the day on campus.
The response would have been the same for any sort of alarm like that, said Lieutenant Gary Gula of the Champaign Fire Department. He said four trucks
were sent from the Champaign Fire Department as well as one from the Urbana Fire Department.
Gula said such false alarms involve sending out millions of dollars worth of equipment and tie up the department’s resources.
“If we get another call on campus, all those resources have to start coming here,” Gula said.
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“So if we get, let’s just say, two false alarms, we’re going to have 10 companies on campus, so then other parts of the community are going
to be without fire protection for whatever amount of time it takes to take care of that alarm.”
Gula said these kinds of false alarms happen more frequently with events involving alcohol consumption, such as Unofficial or Halloween.
“This is what we do,” Gula said. “It’s just part of the job, being on a campus community.”