Fraternities run into disciplinary, legal troubles

Two campus fraternities ran into legal troubles this week — Lambda Chi Alpha was found to have multiple varieties of drugs in both their house and senior house, and Alpha Tau Omega was suspended in wake of an ongoing investigation.

Seven members of Lambda Chi Alpha were arrested at 11 p.m. Thursday for a variety of drug related offenses, according to a report from the University Police Department.

A search warrant was executed on both the fraternity house, 209 E. Armory Ave., and the fraternity’s senior house, 60 E. Chalmers St.

The searches found MDMA packaged for sale, LSD, cocaine residue, prescription pills, cannabis, nitrous oxide and drug paraphernalia.

At the fraternity house, they found 40 grams of raw MDMA in rock form, which is equivalent to 400 doses of MDMA.

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Cannabis was found in two members’ rooms and in common areas, LSD was found in a fake can in the fridge and prescription pills were found in several members’ rooms, said UIPD sergeant Joe McCullough.

“We had a yearlong investigation into that fraternity — both their fraternity house and their senior house,” McCullough said.

Six of the seven University students arrested were arrested at the senior house, while another was arrested at the fraternity house.

After an incident that occurred Tuesday night, the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity chapter has been suspended due to an ongoing investigation.

Alpha Tau Omega Director of Chapter Services David Busshart said that this is a normal step to take when not all the information about the incident and the fraternity will be working with local authorities to find out exactly what happened.

“We want to work as closely as we can with the University and the police to find out exactly what happened and who was involved so we can take measures afterwards,” Busshart said.

Lieutenant Jim Clark, Champaign Police South District Commander, was contacted but has not returned calls at this time.