Quinn announces $3.5 million grant for Feed Technology Complex

By Josh Winters

Gov. Pat Quinn visited the University on Friday to announce a $3.5 million grant that will go toward the construction of a new Feed Technology Complex on the University’s South Farms.

“The Feed Technology Complex will help the University of Illinois maintain its reputation for excellence in animal science research and education,” Quinn said at the press conference. “The world-class research conducted at the University of Illinois is key to attracting businesses and supporting agricultural and economic growth in Illinois.”

The grant covers a sizable portion of the total estimated cost of the new building, $13.3 million. The new facility will enable students and faculty to develop and test new technologies to be used in the manufacturing of food products for humans and animals alike, as well as support current research.

Robert Hauser, dean of the College of ACES, said in a press release that the new Feed Technology Complex will be a strong asset for the college.

“Our graduates are aggressively recruited to fill positions in the food manufacturing, feed technology, bioenergy, and livestock industries,” Hauser said. “The Feed Technology Complex, designed to meet precise animal nutrition parameters and specialized feed preparation, is a linchpin of discovery research and education in the areas of food security and safety, alternative energy forms, and health issues such as obesity, cancer and healthy aging.”

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Friday’s announcement is one of several stops the Governor made over the weekend at colleges and universities across the state to announce investment in new facilities and programs as a part of the $31 billion Illinois Jobs Now! capital construction program.

Quinn is currently embattled in a neck-and-neck campaign for the governorship against Republican challenger Bruce Rauner, and the outcome is being widely regarded as a toss-up.

According to political polling aggregate RealClearPolitics, the average of the available polling for the race puts Quinn ahead of Rauner by one point with just two more days until the election.

Josh can be reached at [email protected].