Firework safety tips from the city of Champaign

By Lisa Chasanov, Summer Editor

As the summer months begin and temperatures are rising, summer holidays approach. On many of these occasions, including Juneteenth and July 4th, individuals and community organizations choose to observe using fireworks.

These striking feats of engineering lead to breathtaking displays of color and light in the sky — as well as some potential dangers. According to a statement by the city of Champaign, fireworks sparked more than 12,260 fires and sent 11,500 people to hospital emergency rooms in 2021.

“To help in the prevention of injuries and property damage, leave the fireworks to the experts and attend a professional fireworks display,” the statement said. 

If community members choose to set off fireworks themselves, the city asks that they limit themselves to legal fireworks — meaning those that do not explode or shoot into the air.

Furthermore, the city asks that those who choose to engage with fireworks use them “outside, away from homes, people, trees, dry grass or any other flammable substance.” The statement goes on to explain that for safety reasons, firework users should keep a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher handy.

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If injured by a firework, the city encourages community members to seek medical assistance immediately. go to a doctor immediately. 

“The best way to prevent firework injuries is to not use them at all,” the statement said. “Attend public firework displays and leave the igniting to the professionals.”

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