Chancellor Wise announces new Campus Budget Advisory Task Force

By Daily Illini Staff Report

Chancellor Phyllis Wise announced on Monday the formation of a new Campus Budget Advisory Task Force to aid the University as it faces state funding challenges.

The announcement was given in the form of a massmail to the entire University.

Wise said the task force’s duties include proposing activities for budgetary review and assessing the impact of proposed fiscal strategies, among other responsibilities. The task force includes University faculty, staff, and students, as well as the Academic Senate and senior administrators.

“The primary charge of this task force is to help us create a more integrated and comprehensive set of longer-term budgetary priorities and plans that are faithful to our core mission and strategic goals,” Wise said in the massmail.

Wise said the task force will begin working this summer. Matthew Ando, head of the Mathematics Department, will serve as chair of the Campus Budget Advisory Task Force.

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