The Daily Illini police blotter for Dec. 10

By The Daily Illini Staff Report


Aggravated battery was reported at Circle K, 609 E. University Ave., around 3 a.m. Tuesday. According to the report, an unknown offender battered the victim and left the business before police arrived. 

An arrest was made on the charges of improper lane usage and driving under the influence of alcohol in the 400 block of West Marketview Drive around 5 p.m. Monday. According to the report, the driver of a Ford truck claimed that he lost control of his vehicle and crashed into multiple parked vehicles. 


An arrest was made on the charge of possession of an in-state warrant near Green Street and Ridgeway Avenue around 2 a.m. Monday. According to the report, the suspect was a passenger in a vehicle that was initially stopped by police for speeding. 

Theft was reported at the Student Dining and Residential Programs Building, 301 E. Gregory Dr. between 1:30 and 3 p.m. Monday. According to the report, a student’s wallet that had been lost in the dining hall was returned to the building’s front desk but had cash missing inside. 


Arrests were made on the charge of domestic battery and possession of an in-state warrant in the 2000 block of Vawter Street around 6 a.m. Tuesday. According to the report, the victim and suspect, who are married and live together, engaged in a verbal argument that turned physical when the suspect struck and injured the victim’s hand with a hammer. 

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An arrest was made on the charge of possession of an in-state warrant in the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Elm Street around 3 p.m. Monday. According to the report, the suspect was located walking in the intersection and was taken into custody for the possession of a valid Champaign County warrant. 

Credit card fraud was reported in the 1000 block of West University Avenue around 5 p.m. Monday. According to the report, an unknown offender made online purchases using the victim’s debit card number.

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