Letter: Dvorin’s column off-mark

By The Daily Illini

Elie Dvorin’s columns have been off the mark all year, but last week’s is the worst yet. He claims that CBS and Dan Rather deliver news with a liberal bias. None of us have any clue what went on at CBS, but that doesn’t matter. The fact is that Elie knows the media has no liberal bias.

That’s right, Elie. You took Electoral Behavior with Professor Gaines last fall. You learned that the media doesn’t give either party a free ride. Yet, you throw out some weak examples in an attempt to prove some liberal conspiracy. I am no Dan Rather expert, but I’m sure there are instances where he promoted liberal causes as well.

That is the way political coverage works, and you know it. Plus, you claim Fox News has higher ratings because it provides better coverage. Anyone who has ever watched Fox News knows how insane that statement is. That’s almost as crazy as saying mainstream Democrats frequently compare Bush to Hitler.

You have the right to use your space to promote your conservative ideology, which I respect. So how about instead of condemning liberals, you say something positive for a change?

Michelle Litteken

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