Letter: Perpetuating stereotypes

By The Daily Illini

Gibbons just proved Wilson’s point in last week’s response to his “proud” marijuana use. Wilson believes that one should not judge another on the basis of drug usage; that it should not be the determining factor of credibility in a court of law. But our society can’t have it: it is too lazy, too fast to jump to conclusions, too quick to label a pot user as illegitimate. I mean, just imagine how much work and time it will take to go through one’s life history to determine one’s credibility for the court. I suppose time is money, right? (though it does not apply to McDonald’s and Meijers employees) Is it our nature to seek the easy way out? To administer stereotypes so we do not have to consider everything before placing judgment? It is a neat trick of the mind, useful in cases, so every stimulus is not brand new.

But it is fallacious to use this mental shortcut as a basis of credibility. If we accept these perpetual stereotypes, one can easily label you as a thief, since you are a college student and most college students steal music. You are also a criminal to consume alcohol underage. Damn college kids cannot be trusted.

Oh. I enjoy listening to Dave Matthews, so I guess I’m a pothead too, right? Or, I smoke pot so I must enjoy Dave Matthews.

Chi Ho Chan

junior in LAS

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